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MYKOS is a beneficial soil microbe designed to enhance root structures through a symbiotic relationship with host plants. Here are some key features and benefits of MYKOS:

  • Symbiotic Relationship:

    • MYKOS establishes a symbiotic relationship with the host plant. This relationship involves the exchange of nutrients and water for carbohydrates produced by the plant.
  • Root Structure Enhancement:

    • By acting as an extension of the roots, MYKOS promotes the development and branching of root structures. This enhancement is crucial for improving the plant's overall health and nutrient absorption capabilities.
  • Improved Nutrient and Water Absorption:

    • The symbiotic relationship formed with MYKOS allows the plant to access nutrients and water more efficiently. This can lead to increased plant vigor and resilience.
  • Efficient Nutrient Sourcing:

    • MYKOS assists the plant in sourcing nutrients from the surrounding soil. This is particularly beneficial in nutrient-deficient or challenging soil conditions.
  • Water Efficiency:

    • Enhanced root structures facilitated by MYKOS contribute to improved water absorption. This can be especially valuable in regions with water scarcity or during periods of drought.
  • Carbohydrate Exchange:

    • The plant provides carbohydrates to MYKOS in exchange for the nutrients and water it facilitates. This mutualistic exchange supports both the microbe and the plant.
  • Increased Crop Yields:

    • The improved nutrient and water uptake, along with enhanced root structures, can lead to increased crop yields. This is a significant advantage for farmers and gardeners aiming to maximize productivity.
  • Secondary Metabolites Enhancement:

    • MYKOS has the potential to enhance the production of secondary metabolites in plants. These metabolites can contribute to the plant's defense mechanisms and overall resilience.
  • Easy Application:

    • MYKOS is likely designed for easy application, allowing growers to incorporate it seamlessly into their existing gardening practices.
  • Compatible with Various Crops:

    • MYKOS is likely suitable for a variety of crops, making it versatile for different types of agriculture and horticulture.

Using MYKOS as part of a plant care regimen can contribute to the overall health and productivity of plants. As with any soil additive, it's essential to follow recommended application rates and methods for optimal results.


PriceFrom CHF9.00
100 Grams
VAT Included
  • The instructions to apply MYKOS around the root zone of plants weekly during the vegetative and early flower stages provide a clear and targeted approach to maximize the benefits of the soil microbe. Here's a suggested step-by-step guide for application:

    • Prepare the Soil:

      • Ensure that the soil around the plants is well-prepared, free from debris, and has proper drainage.
    • Determine Application Area:

      • Identify the root zone of each plant. This is generally the area around the base of the plant where the roots are concentrated.
    • Measure the MYKOS Amount:

      • Refer to the product instructions for the recommended amount of MYKOS to apply. Use a measuring tool to ensure accurate application.
    • Apply MYKOS Around the Root Zone:

      • Sprinkle or spread the measured MYKOS around the root zone of each plant. Be sure to cover the entire area where the roots are concentrated.
    • Avoid Direct Contact with Plant Stems:

      • While applying MYKOS, be careful to avoid direct contact with the stems of the plants. Focus on the soil around the base of the plants.
    • Watering After Application:

      • After applying MYKOS, water the plants as usual. This helps the microorganisms establish contact with the roots and the surrounding soil.
    • Repeat Weekly:

      • Follow the weekly application schedule, applying MYKOS around the root zone of the plants during both the vegetative and early flower stages. Consistency is key to achieving optimal results.
    • Monitor Plant Growth:

      • Keep a close eye on the plants' growth and overall health. Look for signs of improved root development, increased vigor, and any positive effects on flowering.
    • Adjust Application Rates if Necessary:

      • Depending on the specific needs of your plants and the conditions of your growing environment, you may adjust the application rates. Monitor plant response and make adjustments accordingly.
    • Continue Beyond Early Flower Stages if Desired:

      • If desired, you may continue applying MYKOS beyond the early flower stages. Some growers choose to maintain regular applications throughout the entire growing cycle.
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